THE FEMALE BOND She’s Mercedes initiative

For this year’s International Women’s Day, She’s Mercedes tells a story of feminine energy and female unity, envisioning a utopian community based on diversity, warm fellowship and 
a regal attitude, starring Malaysian musician Yuna.

Rather than following a clear-cut narrative, “The Female Bond“ retraces a poem on modern womanhood and unity, filmed against the dream-like backdrop of Californian canyons and Asian hideouts. Rich in detail, yet structured loosely, it could be considered a whimsical narration, shaped by associations between the four protagonists: brought and held together by delicate actions and strong symbols. The dream sequence-like plot plays with our imagination and resembles, to some extent, a utopian prospect of matriarchy – or the occasional wish to create and intimate microcosm for you and your girlfriends only.

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