CLOSER TO NATURE Black Edition / Motion Collage by Ana Rita Ramos

Beautiful illustrations come to life in the animated images of multi-talented Portuguese designer Ana Rita Ramos. Originally trained as an interior designer, Ana Rita completed some very attractive projects in design and illustration over the years, and has even taught interior-design classes at the ESAD College of Art and Design in her hometown of Porto. But as any artistic multi-tasker can attest, it’s hard to stick to one discipline when your head is buzzing with ideas, and with that, this is how Ara Rita began exploring the potential of digital illustration as an expressive medium, a process that led to her Black Edition series of animated illustrations.

Describing them as “motion collages”, Ana Rita draws these monochrome compositions by assembling found images and drawn elements, all created as short GIF animations that bring dreamy scenes into life. A female figure is the protagonist in all of her illustrations, surrounded by textures and moving images depicting natural elements such as crushing waves on a beach or a late-summer field of grain.

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Courtesy Photo of Ana Rita Ramos