The long, hot, chaotic summer vibe continues into at least the first three weeks of the month, Virgo, so we hope your August holiday is already booked. Your house of rest and retreat is the locus of most of the current cosmic activity, giving you even more reason to take it waaaaay easy this month. First off, your ruling planet Mercury is still in retrograde motion in your dream zone through the 19th, so it may be impossible to stay organized and efficient – even for you. This is less about productivity and more about embracing the concept of rest and rejuvenation. If you must work, at least schedule in late day or evening self-care routines. The New Moon/Solar Eclipse hits the same part of your horoscope on the 11th, waking you up thus far unseen elements of your unconscious mind. This is why it’s so essential to ramp down responsibilities and ramp up spa treatments and yoga sessions. You’re processing so much psychic material, and you don’t want it to emotionally overwhelm you. After Mercury stations direct, the Sun moves into your very own stars on the 23rd, revving up your birthday month: your best time of the entire year. The Full Moon arrives on the 26th, bringing soul-stirring magic and deep partnership themes. The very next day, Mars finally stations direct in your house of work, allowing you to release any remaining stress and anger about your day-to-day routine. September is going to be much better, darling, so eat all the chocolate and drink all the wine in the meantime – you have a solid excuse.













 Courtesy of ELLE