The Postman Dreams By Prada


If you haven’t been following Prada’s short film series starring Elijah Wood called The Postman Dreams 2, you’re missing out. The four clips — a continuation of a similar project from 2015 — are frothy, awkward fun in a glamorous fashion world. Wood plays a dutiful postman tasked with delivering Prada’s classic Galleria bag to a series of eccentric fashionistas, including Emma Roberts as a model on location in a parking lot, and Amber Valletta as a scorned lover. His postman character is a cross between The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and a secret agent. “I’m obsessed with spy things, like people running for no reason and looking like they’re having suspicious conversations. So I like the idea that he had a James Bond ‘M’ speaking to him in an earpiece,” director Autumn de Wilde, a fashion photographer and filmmaker, told the Cut. In this case, M is an anonymous Italian voice speaking into Wood’s ear. A key moment in the series is when a fashionista finally unwraps the Galleria bag, after awkwardly trying and failing to open it (“I’m obsessed with awkwardness,” de Wilde said.) Invariably, each woman is overjoyed to get the purse and forgets whatever other drama is going on in the scene — even Amber Valletta, who punches her lover just before opening the box. “There’s so much fashion stuff that is done with the idea that she’s better than you because she has this bag, and I didn’t want to do that,” de Wilde explained. “What I love about fashion are the people who are obsessed with fashion, not just using it to brag.” The final installment was released today, titled “The Elevator” and directed by de Wilde. Each of the 4 episodes is like a 2 minute-long, impeccably curated Hallmark movie for fashion lovers. Watch the finale below and check out the rest of the series to see more of The Postman’s adventures in arena bleachers, maze-like buildings, and party elevators.

Courtesy of  Thecut