Burberry has released a two-minute short film directed by Juno Calypso to accompany its holiday campaign. The feature, titled Close Your Eyes and Think of Christmas, stars Matt Smith, M.I.A., Kristin Scott Thomas, Naomi Campbell, and her mother, Valerie Morris-Campbell. The mother-daughter model duo close out the video, lounging on a couch while donning Burberry’s signature check from head to toe .
“Juno explores the dance between the reality and fantasy of a very British Christmas, drawing on her own experiences and rituals; from the unpredictable British weather to family togetherness, delayed trains to festive feasts,” the video’s description reads.
Original story, 11/1: Burberry isn’t wasting any time getting into the holiday spirit. The British brand has already teased its Festive Campaign for the year, featuring some of U.K.’s finest, including supermodel Naomi Campbell—and her mom. Valerie Morris-Campbell, a model herself, joins the star-studded roster, which includes The Crown’s Matt Smith, actress Kristin Scott Thomas, rapper M.I.A., and British artist and photographer Juno Calypso, who also shot and directed the campaign. Both Campbells wear a white shirt and black blazer in their portraits.