Following her previously cancelled collaboration with Siberia Hills, singer Billie Eilish has teamed up with retailer Bershka for her latest collection collab. This time around the range features everything from over-sized tees in true Billie fashion, to bold prints and distorted graphics. Designed according to Billie’s four key looks, the range features unisex styles all arriving in a color palette of white, black, green and orange. The black set features the singer’s name in dazzling rhinestones, whereas the white hoodie and sweatpants set are decked out with black lettering. In addition, another black hoodie sports Billie’s face across the front, and is being paired with her bold neon green shorts. Lastly, the orange set comes with sweat shorts and a matching hoodie, featuring an apocalyptic landscape print. The collection is set to launch online at Bershka starting on August 28. Take a look at the pieces in the gallery above, and take a look at the campaign video starring Billie Eilish below.