May is made of miracles, Gemini, but they’re not likely to announce themselves flamboyantly – you’ll have to look for them within. With the Sun in your house of dreams and subconscious thoughts and the New Moon on the 15th, there is a strong emphasis on inner work this month. Set intentions for both physical and psychological wellness at midmonth and give yourself a six-month deadline to attain them. The 15th is unstoppable – the very same day Uranus, the planet of radical change, moves into the same part of your horoscope and he’ll remain there for seven years. Your quest in life is to quiet the stirring of your mind, Ms. Mad Genius, and with Uranus hanging out in your dream zone you could become the creative visionary you’ve always known you were meant to be. However it could be a bit crazy-making at first, and cause some insomnia and/or anxiety. This would be a good time to refresh your apothecary – calming herbs and homeopathic remedies will come to your rescue as you adjust to the pace. Mars moves into Aquarius, your sister air sign, the very next morning – this is the third major astro-event in 24 hours. This will amp up your craving for wisdom and stimulate your wanderlust over the next few months. The most delicious moment of the month comes at the end – there is a wildly fun Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 29th. This is your relationship zone, so try to avoid drama with your bae, if at all possible – but do embrace adventure.