Summer Solstice it’s Summertime for the artist Lizzie Gill

Brooklyn mixed media artist Lizzie Gill has created a series of works inspired by the Summer season, Summer Solstice. Her artistic practice explores the themes of American retro in a contemporary context and is based on typical evocative scenes; very often the artist uses vintage photographs that she likes to rework at will.  The images become fragments of the Ego, memories of the past that help us to understand the present and, perhaps, also the future. Summer is the main theme of the various plates, which appear fresh, carefree and poetic: the narration of these miniatures is all implied, in such a way as to allow the viewer to recreate personal memories. Lizzie has also been defined as an artist with a conceptually post-feminist approach: she explores themes such as the modern approach to romanticism and how it evolved through technology, in the form of online courtship.

Courtesy of  Collateral